Museveni Awarded in US for Promoting Africa‘s Interests

The Africa-USA Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) based in USA has awarded  President Museveni for his Pan-African spirit and promoting investment across the continent.

The award was given by ACCI CEO and President Reuben Maitamuno Jaja presented by the organization Executive Director, Al Washington and Gregory Senegar.

It was received on behalf of the President by the Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Affairs, Amb. Abbey Walusimbi who is currently on an official tour to US to meet potential investors as well as Ugandan community leaders with a view of encouraging them to take up investment in Uganda.

While handing over the award in Los Angeles California, Al Washington commended President Museveni for championing the call to all historical African Diasporas to return home as well as making Uganda available.

Walusimbi receives Museveni’s award

Al Washington said that President Museveni has created economic and political reforms for Uganda that have brought relief and an Africa Renaissance even as Uganda oscillated between periods of hope and despair since Independence.

“H.E has consistently and effectively created and sustained programs to reunite his stolen sons and daughters back to the African continent, has welcomed all of the historical Pan African Diaspora back to Africa with open arms and has created policies and opportunities to ease their return,” Al Washington said.

He added that, “It is therefore resolved that H.E Yoweri Museveni the President of the Republic of Uganda has hereby been bestowed the Africa-USA Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s Pan African Renaissance Leadership Award for his tireless and effective work of liberating the mindset of Africans around the world by inviting, welcoming and facilitating the return of Pan African Diaspora to Africa.”

While receiving the award on behalf of the President, Amb. Walusimbi thanked the Africa-US Chamber of Commerce and Industry for considering the tremendous work and roles played by the President since time immemorial in building a strong and united Africa.

“This award comes just after the President has been re-elected for another term in office; with no doubt he will further open his arms to receive more African Diasporas across the world as well as according them investment opportunities in a number of sectors,” Walusimbi said.

Amb. Walusimbi after meeting ACCI bosses

During the official meeting with ACCI, Amb. Walusimbi noted that the NRM government has ensured that peace and security prevails in the country which has in turn led to a robust economic growth which was estimated at 6.3% in 2019.

Walusimbi noted that this growth is largely driven by better government policies that encourage both local and foreign investment in the different sectors such as agriculture, industrialization, Oil and gas, mining among others.

He encouraged the team to consider bringing more investors into Uganda assuring them of all the necessary support.



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